Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lechon Baboy (Roasted Pig)

Lechon Baboy is one of the favourite pork recipes in the Philippines. In Manila this is popularized by Mila’s Lechon and Lydia’s Lechon restaurants. Another popular is Lechon in Cebu for its very good taste that even without a sauce you will taste it yummy. Lechon is a typical food that is prepared for celebrations in Philippines like, weddings, birthdays, fiestas, christening, Christmas, and New Year. It is a common “Pulutan” also in bars while drinking beers or liquors with friends and officemates at night.

Lechon Baboy is best served with sauce made of pork liver and some ingredients.

the best with ice cold "San Mig Light"...whew!!!

I think this one serve is crunchy!!!!
I miss the Philippines so much....^_^

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