Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Especial Rellenong Bangus, Stuffed Milkfish

Rellenong bangus or stuffed milkfish is another delicacy in Philippines. Preparation and cooking need more patience because of many steps to follow but the price...good and special taste. The ingredients are 1 piece big bangus, vegetable oil, garlic, onion, tomatoes, egg, lemon juice, carrots, soy sauce, chopped ham, cooked green peas, pepper and salt. 

The steps will start from scaling the fish and removal of internal organs and gills. Then by using a spatula you can remove all meat inside the bangus skin including bones but dont forget to break the bone in the neck and tail. Boil the meat of bangus for 5 minutes while marinating the skin with pepper, soy sauce and calamansi or lemon juice. Debone the meat of bangus and after that saute garlics and onions followed by tomatoes and carrots. Add the bangus meat, raisins, cooked green peas and ham. Don't forget to add pepper and salt before removing from pan. Transfer in a bowl, add eggs and mix, then allow to reduce temperature before putting the mixture back in the marinated skin. Wrap in aluminum foil with small oil then baked in oven at 400 deg for about 45 minutes. Make boil in hot oil until golden brown before serving.

                                                  part 1of how to make rellenong bangus

                                                   part 2 of how to make rellenong bangus

Rellenong bangus with slice of tomato
Slice of rellenong bangus
Rellenong bangus style from Goldilocks

nice style of cooked rellenong bangus
delicious rellenong bangus

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