Thursday, August 11, 2011

Largest Human Cross held in University of Santo Tomas

The largest human cross was achieved by 13,266 participants composed of University of Santo Tomas administrators, faculty, employees, and students held in UST football field  in Manila, Philippines, on 9 March 2011.

The activity was listed in Guinness World Record for largest human cross. The activity has also religious significance that was performed on "Ash Wednesday", the start of 40 day Lenten period - a tradition of Filipino Roman Catholic that is celebrated every year. The human form is a huge Dominican Cross, a symbol of University of Santo Tomas Catholic and Dominican identity. Participants wearing white and black color stay for 20 minutes praying in human cross while the bells ringing. 

Location of largest human cross in UST Football Field
Site plan of largest human cross in University of Sto Tomas, Manila, Philippines
the close-up look of largest human cross in UST with white and black costume
The formation of participants for the attempt for Guinness World Records  largest human cross

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