Wednesday, August 10, 2011

World's Heaviest Mango

So far the worlds heaviest mango weighed 3.435 kg (7.57 lb) was presented in Philippines by Sergio and Maria Socorro Bodiogan of Iligan City. The heaviest mango was presented at the Sundayag Celebration's Pinaka Contest led by Department of Agriculture Region 10 in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines on August 27, 2009. It was presented in Guinness World Records in September 2009.

The mango is a "Keit" variety that normally grows 2 to 4 pounds when harvested. This break the record for heaviest mango previously from Kailua-Kona Hawaii presented by Collen Porter weighing 2.4 kgs (5.28 pounds).

Image Source
world's biggest mango from Iligan City, Philippines

Image Source
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Bodiongan of Iligan City holds the heaviest mango in the world

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