Monday, June 27, 2011

Juan F. Nakpil: First National Artist for Architecture

Juan F. Nakpil (1899-1986), architect, civil engineer, teacher and civic leader, is a pioneer and innovator in Philippine architecture. In essence, Nakpil's greatest contribution is his belief that there is such a thing as Philippine Architecture, espousing architecture reflective of Philippine traditions and culture. It is also largely due to his zealous representation and efforts that private Filipino architects and engineers, by law, are now able to participate in the design and execution of government projects. He has integrated strength, function, and beauty in the buildings that are the country's heritage today. He designed the 1937 International Eucharistic Congress altar and rebuilt and enlarged the Quiapo Church in 1930 adding a dome and a second belfry to the original design.

In 1973, he was named one of the National Artists for architecture, and tapped as the Dean of Filipino Architects.
Rizal Avenue in the mid-1990s.Image via Wikipedia
The State Theater was built in 1930s eventually closed
and demolished in 90s located  in Rizal Avenue , Manil

The Avenue Theater with 1,000 seating capacity
located in Rizal Avenue Manila

The Capitol Theater with 800 seating capacity
located in Escolta, Manila and was built in 1930s

Captain Pepe Building

U.P. Carillon - a 130 ft structure, first of its kind in Southeast Asia.
The only Carillon in Philippines that is played using a wooden Keyboard

The Ever Theater with 800 seating capacity located in Rizal Avenue, Manila

The Gala Rodriguez Mansion located at No.44 Rizal St, Sariaya, Quezon

Manila Jockey Club

The Philippine Trust Company

Quezon Hall - built in 1950s in U.P. Diliman

Quezon Institute was built in 1938 for hospital used specializing care and treatment of T.B.
located in E. Rodriguez Avenue and serving now as office of PCSO and Quezon Institute 

Rizal House reconstruction
Rufino Building

Main Chapel of San Carlos Seminary
Part of San Carlos Seminary's Facade built in 1951 to 1952
located in Guadalupe Viejo, Makati City

Quiapo Church, officially known as Minor Basil...Image via Wikipedia
Quiapo Church as we seen today after Juan Nakpil rebuilt it in 1930s
adding a dome and 2nd  belfry to the original design
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